If you are searching for information on how to stop rattling in car from subs, I will assume that you are wanting to avoid buying a new set of doors for your vehicle. Buying a new set of doors can prove to be a massive waste of money if they are not fitted correctly as they will not provide you with any form of protection. In this article I will show you how to identify and repair the rattling problems yourself so you do not have to spend any more money on replacing the doors.
If you are listening to a car that is rattling its doors very loudly, I recommend going to see your local mechanic. You need to first determine if the noise is coming from the doors themselves or if it is coming from any other part of the car. This can be determined by listening to the noise for a few seconds and then asking your mechanic to check the noise. The problem may be coming from the doors and this is what you need to focus on.
If you cannot hear the rattling noise at the back of the car, you will need to look at the other cars around you. This is important as you should always try to avoid disturbing others when driving especially if they are driving near you. By looking at other cars you should be able to work out exactly where the problem is coming from. Once you know where it is you will be in a much better position of knowing how to stop rattling in car from subs.
As I said before, if you are trying to fix the rattling noise yourself then you need to work out why it is happening in the first place. This is one of the most important steps when learning how to stop rattling in car from subs. Try to identify exactly what is wrong and isolate the problem. You may need to change the plates or fan belts or even the exhaust system. It does not matter as long as you isolate the cause of the problem.
If all else fails and you still cannot figure out the problem, then it is time to turn to professionals. There are many reputable companies that can help you out. You do not need to panic if you are at a loss as there are many ways of fixing rattling in car from subs. They can recommend different solutions, although I would recommend that you have a look around as each company might recommend a different solution.
So as you can see, it does not really matter what your problem is with your subwoofer as long as you fix it now. However, if you prefer to fix the problem yourself then you should make sure you know exactly what is wrong with the vehicle in the first place. Then you should ask for some advice from people that have gone through the same ordeal. The internet is also a great resource when looking for answers on how to stop rattling in car from subs and any other problems. Good luck and have fun with your new car!